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"Interiorities respond to each other: those of Basquiat, O'Keeffe or Zao Wou-Ki, and that of Karine Prette who brings them together with the tip of her brush, prolonging the moment of her encounter with their art, and pure emotion prompted by it.
A tension pulls the artist, between precise method applied to the portraits and letting go ordered by his abstracts, so that in the latter, it is the turn of his own psyche to be questioned.

"Dialogue(s)” allows these two opposites to converse." 

                                                                                                                               Zisla Tortello

"The more I paint, the more I love everything"
           Jean-Michel Basquiat


"Your painting is not addressed to anyone, or to anyone who wants to remember that a soul was given to us before we were born"

     Christian Bobin - Pierre-

"I paint my reality"

         Frida Kahlo

Egon Schiele

"It is in the depths of the being, between soul and heart, that one feels an autumn tree in the middle of summer. It is this melancholy that I want to paint."  

                Egon schiele

“Architecture ..... must remain silent and let nature speak directly through the sun and the wind." 

Tadao ando


"When I think of death, I only regret that I can no longer contemplate this beautiful landscape, unless the Indians are right and my  mind there  take a walk  after I leave."

                           Georgia o'keeffe

_Zao Wouki, brushes_

"Joy perfect excludes the very feeling of joy, because in the soul filled with the object, no corner is available to say "I" "  Simone weil

"Universe 219" 120 x 95 cm

"I don't need philosophers' musings to tell me what I'm doing. It would be more interesting to tell me why I'm doing it."  

                                       Louise Bourgeois

"Foujita, cigare"
_Foujita au chat_

"The light here requires a dark there."
            Virginia Woolf

Painting, painting, always painting, still painting as best as possible, the void and the light and the dense, the living and the breath. "

                                  Zao Wouki

"Without freedom of expression, the beauty of life is lost. Taking part in a society is not an artistic choice, but a human need"

          Ai Wei Wei

_Ai Wei Wei, cicatrice_
_Ai Wei Wei, porcelaine_
_Ai Wei Wei, détention_
Univers 1120

"One deed is worth a million thoughts"

                Ai Wei Wei

_Picasso, Méditerranée_
_Pablo Picasso_
_Picasso, Majorque_

"Should we paint what's on a face? What's in a face? Or what's behind a face?"

                      Pablo Picasso

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